Partner Resources

Nobody ever said maintaining a democracy was easy. But when it comes to *celebrating* that democracy by getting America registered to vote, we at National Voter Registration Day think it ought to be simple as can be! With that in mind we’ve built out an all encompassing suite of voter registration tools, resources, and supports to make planning your September 19th event as hassle free as possible.

From Communications Resources to help you promote and message your event to state-specific voting rules, swag, sample social media and more, we’ve done the heavy lifting so you can get your community #VoteReady with ease!

Communications Resources

Effectively Message and Promote Your Event

Get Communicating

Registration Drive Resources

Interacting With Potential Voters Made Easy

Get Registering

Event Swag and Materials

Posters, Stickers, and More!

Get Your Swag On

Webinars and Support Resources

Learn From the #VoteReady Pros

Get to Learning