Countdown to National Voter Registration Day

Register to Vote

Be a Voter

Check Your Registration

Confirm You’re a Voter

Registered? Great! What’s Next?

2024 Partner Map

A record 5500+ Partners helped us celebrate democracy on NVRD 2024!


Whether you’re new to the world of registering voters or you’re a National Voter Registration Day veteran, everyone can use a little help getting their friends, family, and broader community registered to vote. Check out our library of Resources and Materials for tips on everything from talking face-to-face with potential voters to knowing the laws about voter registration in your state.

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How to Get #VoteReady in Your State

Getting registered to vote is just the FIRST step in getting #VoteReady! Making a plan to vote, knowing what’s on the ballot, or providing time off for your employees so they can vote are all part of what comes next to ensure everyone has their voice heard at the ballot box.

Get #VoteReady