2022 Sample National Voter Registration Day Resolution

[State / County / Municipal Elections Office] Resolution Establishing the Fourth Tuesday of September as National Voter Registration Day [ALTERNATIVE: Establishing September 20, 2022 as National Voter Registration Day]

WHEREAS, the [State / County / Municipal Elections Office] is committed to the highest standards of election integrity and also to encouraging broad voter registration, access, and citizen participation in elections among voting-eligible citizens;

WHEREAS, the [State / County / Municipal Elections Office] recognizes that many Americans are not able to vote because they miss a registration deadline, do not update their registration information, or are unfamiliar with how to register;

WHEREAS, [State / County / Municipal Elections Office] recognizes the need for diverse partners such as nonprofits, libraries, businesses, colleges and universities, and more to work in the communities they serve to register citizens to vote; and

WHEREAS, the need for reliable and trusted public information and education on voter registration is critical to Americans’ active participation in elections and the integrity of electoral processes;


NOW BE IT RESOLVED THAT the [State / County / Municipal Elections Office] shall declare September 20, 2022 as National Voter Registration Day and commits to joining national efforts to support voter registration and citizen participation in elections.

Adopted the xxth day of Month/2022. Expires: xxxx.