In 2019, National Voter Registration Day continued its momentum from 2018 with another holiday that surpassed all expectations! Though considered an “off-year” election, 473,725 citizens registered to vote on the holiday in 2019 — more than THREE TIMES the previous record for a year without a federal election. Community and premier partner counts remained on par with 2018, at 4,083 and 54 respectively. In addition to far-reaching online engagement through partnerships with digital platforms, artists, and influencers, nearly 20,000 volunteers and staff celebrated the holiday, holding one million face-to-face interactions with potential voters and bringing new voices into the political process.

In short, 2019’s National Voter Registration Day was an unqualified success thanks to the thousands of partners across sectors and across the country– election officials, nonprofits, libraries, colleges and universities, digital platforms, businesses, and more– who worked hard to ensure that every eligible voter can have a chance to be heard at the polls!


2019 National Voter Registration Day Final Report